Monday, August 17, 2009

ClubPenguin Stuff

Ok Theres this Website Called and its SO FUN!So if you want to register go ahed its Awesome!I have 3 accounts on it!So go register.Ok this week(or month)Its a Flying theme And if your a member go to the forest and ride on the Hot air balloon for about 1 minute and get a free jetpack!

Ok,Heres some secrets about clubpenguin:First if you are an agent go to the HQ and click on the F.i.s.h book and go all the way till you see an agent click on the agent's glasses to get an eye thingy only about 1000 or 800 coins!

Second thing is how to catch a Mullet!So First get all the fish and stuff then when you first spot the mullet floating in the water gar away get one of the yellow fish but dont pull it up so you can get it just keep it in the middle of the water(i always do it in the middle but you dont have to do it in the middle).Now when he comes keep the fish where it is and you will catch it!ANd you get an extra 100 coins for catchin the Mullet!

The final Secret im going to tell you is about the pin So if you see in the paper theres a secret pin so if you wanna get it go to the cart surfing place and you'll see a sand castle click on it and you will walk over to it and thayts the Pin a sand Castle!